I have been running wires now for over 7 years. I have seen some pretty nasty wiring jobs! Funny thing is, is that a lot of these wiring jobs are done by the "pro's". You would think that licensed electricians would know how to run data and phone lines in people houses or businesses. Some do, but most don't. I have been to new house builds, after they are finished and there has been not one phone line ran in the whole place. A lot of people don't really use phones anymore, but a lot still do.
So here is my solution. This is the easiest, and most effective way to run your lines. Run them all down to the utility room in the basement. Or if you would like, run them all to ONE central spot (maybe a server closet in your office) but if you run then there, you must run all of them there.
If you are doing renovations, make sure that you get your service provider to relocate there service wires to where you are going to run yours, or at least run a cable from your new location to there equipment.
Your can never run to much cable. There is a term I like, "wire for the future". What this means is that, maybe you don't think you will need a cable or a phone line up in the spare bedroom, until 2 years from now you decide to turn it into your office.
"If you apply yourself you can accomplish anything"
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